This Friday, the graduating class from my school will be going back in time to the 50s and 60s. It’ll be Greasers against Socs (as in Socials). Although the whole activity borders on cheesy and juvenile, I’m rolling with it because Grease was without a doubt my favorite movie for most of my childhood. I could follow the choreography perfectly while simultaneously belting out all the lyrics in my horrible high-pitch child voice. What can I say? Grease is the word. I also had a mad crush on Danny Zuko from ages 6 through 12. I was legitimately disappointed to find out that John Travolta is no longer the hunk he was in the 70s. My tiny pre-teen heart was crushed.
Broken hearts aside, it’s a way out of wearing my school uniform and a chance to miss some classes to go bowling…All that’s left to do is brush up on my hand jiving and figure out what to wear.
Have a lovely Sunday.
Love this !!!!!!!!