Saturday, February 1, 2014


I’ve been an on-again off-again blogger since the age of 12, which means I’ve written numerous introduction posts, each one harder to write than the last. This year, I decided to switch it up a little and try something new in order to motivate myself to write and to share as often as possible. Blogging has never really been that easy for me. My past attempts at fashion blogs left me feeling detached, unmotivated and uninspired. I often questioned why I was spending so much time writing about things that didn’t really matter to me. Truth be told, as much as I enjoyed my brief involvement in the wondrous world that is fashion blogging, I found that writing exclusively about the subject got pretty dull… Rather than pushing out content that doesn’t inspire me, I given myself the challenge of actually start writing for myself. To stop thinking about who wore what, what I thought about it and why I should care.
 I’d like my blog to be a place of retreat and creativity… No more deadlines or guidelines. No more forcing myself to compose insignificant posts just because ˮI haven’t posted in a while’’. This will be my personal outlet, without limitations about what should or shouldn’t be posted.
Although only writing about fashion events and current trends isn’t really my cup of tea, I have numerous contacts who write amazing fashion blogs. I applaud them for their dedication and I wish I had that much passion for the subject. Rather than beating myself up for not being to keep up that type of blog, I’ve shifted my focus towards writing about what inspires me.  Music, travel, discoveries, literature, street style, décor, cooking, DIY, dreams, observations, lifestyle, art, inspirational people… you name it. Whatever inspires me will end up on here. That’s the plan.
For now, I can’t guarantee that my blog will have any coherence or visual appeal. Transforming this blog into what I’ve envisioned will take time, many sleepless nights of HTML coding and copious amounts of peppermint tea. Until then, all I can promise is genuine passion for the things that I post. An introduction page will be up soon!
Over and out,